احدث المواضيع

الخميس، 26 مايو 2016

As Democratic race tightens in California, ads hit airwaves from Clinton, Sanders

As Democratic race tightens in California, ads hit airwaves from Clinton, Sanders

As the Democratic race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in California grows tighter and the competition more fierce, both campaigns are now devoting additional money to television advertising.
A day after Sanders announced a new ad buy of less than $2 million in the state, Clinton announced her own television campaign.
Ads featuring actor Morgan Freeman as well as labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta will air beginning on Friday in Fresno, Sacramento, and Los Angeles media markets. Some ads will also target Latino voters and Asian American voters. The total value of the buy is about six figures according to the Clinton campaign.
The decision of both campaigns to begin airing television advertisements about two weeks before the state's primary on June 7 reflects the growing closeness of the race.
Recent polling data is scarce, but a new survey from the Public Policy Institute of California found that in the last month the race between Sanders and Clinton has tightened. Clinton now holds a 46-44 lead over Sanders compared to her 48-41 lead over Sanders in March.
Both Clinton and Sanders have campaigned intensely throughout the state this week. Sanders hopes to secure a large number of delegate's from the state's primary, when 475 are at stake. And while Clinton is likely to have enough delegates to secure her party's nomination before polls close in California on June 7, she is looking to avoid an embarrassing loss in the nation's most populous and one of its most liberal states.

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