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الخميس، 26 مايو 2016

It's time to take Donald Trump's scary foreign policy views seriously

It's time to take Donald Trump's scary foreign policy views seriously

After Ted Cruz's withdrawal from the race, Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. This is real, it's happening, and it means Trump has a legitimate shot at becoming president.
That means it is time to start taking the possibility of a Trump presidency seriously — starting with his views on foreign affairs. As president, Trump would have near-total control over America's policy toward other countries, in a way he wouldn't with many domestic policy issues.
So it's worth special consideration: What would a Trump presidency foreign policy look like?
Some observers have tried to identify something like a Trump doctrine, a unifying set of beliefs that would govern his actions. But as best anyone can tell, there is no such thing. Even in his allegedly major foreign policy speech, his rhetoric constituted mostly vague, quasi-emotional platitudes — make America look strong, save our jobs, make the best deal — that don't add up to a strategic doctrine.
But while Trump may lack an ideology, he definitely has policy views on key issues such as Russia, China, and ISIS. Some are nationalist, some economic nationalist, some more dovish, and some defy categorization. Many of these ideas track with what he's said about foreign policy for years. Put together, they're an eclectic plan to take US policy and put it on a totally new course — often in some fairly radical, and fairly scary, ways.

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